Studying Abroad: Is Now The Time To Travel The World

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Studying abroad has two things going for it: it’s one of the coolest experiences you can have in college and it’s becoming more affordable, available, and flexible for students to take part in. With a little bit of research, you could end up in a beautiful place, getting the same education, paying relatively the same tuition, and exploring a new culture.   

Is Studying Abroad Right for You?

  • People decide to study abroad for many reasons:
    • Seeing the world
    • Improving their fluency in a particular language
    • Improving maturity and independence
    • Learning about a new place that interests them
    • Meeting new people
    • Expanding their understanding of the world
    • Planning to move to another country/back to their home country and want to experience life there/return to life there
    • Having fun
  • For whatever reason, “studying abroad” sounds so exotic to some people that they immediately figure it’ll cost a fortune and it’s just not for them. Studying abroad has become more affordable than ever, with most schools setting it at the price of tuition. The only difference is that you might have to pay extra for room and board, depending on where you go.
    • Some foundations and international organizations are encouraging students to study abroad by offering scholarships to offset any additional costs.
  • You should be in good academic standing, with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Otherwise, your time is best spent focusing on coursework and improving your GPA.
  • Do a general search to see if your major is supported by study abroad programs. Some majors’ websites will even tell you what the best semester to go abroad is.

How to set up a Semester Abroad

  • Start on your school’s study abroad website or at the study abroad office. Everybody’s school has a different way of doing it, so just follow their guidelines. Usually, they’ll have a list of programs with a link to the application to get accepted to it when the time comes. 
    • Applications usually go live during the winter for a fall semester abroad or during the summer for a winter semester abroad. 
  • Fill out the application, then wait for a response giving you your next instructions. They’ll tell you exactly how to catch your flights and how to register for your abroad courses.

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